Apache Xdebug

  1. Xdebug Apache Timeout
  2. Apache Debug Logging
  3. Apache Debug Log

The XDebug plugin allows HTTP clients to debug the operation of the Traffic Server cache using the default X-Debug header. The plugin is triggered by the presence of the X-Debug or the configured header in the client request. The contents of this header should be the names of the debug headers that are desired in the response. Edit your apache configure file In your VirtualHost section, set debugger port same as the one in your vimrc: phpvalue xdebug.remoteport.9009. The remoteport that has just been mentioned is different from what I have in xdebug.ini and vimrc. Xdebug is an extension for PHP that aids in providing information valuable for debugging PHP scripts. The NetBeans debugger works on top of the Xdebug extension, providing an effective debugging tool in your development environment. The MAMP package includes the Apache web server, PHP engine, and MySQL database.

How you install Xdebug depends on your system. There are the following possibilities: Linux with a package manager such as apt, yum, or something else. Bitbake cheat sheet. Linux without an Xdebug package with PECL.

03 Dec 2020


  • XAMPP for Windows: https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html


  • Download Xdebug for the specific PHP version:
    • PHP 8.0 (64-Bit): https://xdebug.org/files/php_xdebug-3.0.0-8.0-vs16-x86_64.dll
  • Move the downloaded dll file to: C:xamppphpext
  • Rename the dll file to: php_xdebug.dll
  • Open the file C:xamppphpphp.ini with Notepad++
  • Disable output buffering: output_buffering = Off
  • Scroll down to the [XDebug] section (or create it) and copy/paste these lines:
Apache debug log
  • Restart Apache


  • Enable the Xdebug option: “Can accept external connections” and “Additionally listen on Xdebug 3 default port 9003”. Screenshot
  • Use the PhpStorm bookmarklets generator to activate Xdebug from the browser side.


  • Change the Netbeans debugging options: Screenshot

Visual Studio Code

  • Install the PHP Debug Adapter for Visual Studio Code.


Add XDEBUG_SESSION_START=PHPSTORM as query parameter to the url, e.g.


Start debugger from the console

Enter cmd:

Xdebug Apache Timeout

Known Issues

Apache Debug Logging


Apache Debug Log

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